We will continue to follow recommended and required guidance at all times and will adjust our policies as needed to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
Little Sunshine House has committed to staying open during the COVID 19 pandemic in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines. It is our goal to support children and families emotionally and cognitively while also staying healthy. As long as we are advised that this is possible, we will continue to receive children into our programs. We are developing best practices with the support of CDC, DHHS, and DSS Licensing.
Please see our Parent Handbook and the Policies and Procedures Form listed under FORMS for information on policies regarding refunds due to COVID closures and restrictions outside of the control of LSH.
What do I do if my child has close contact with a person who tests positive for COVID? Updated 1/15/2023.
Use the following to callculate the test date from last exposure What to Do If You Were Exposed to COVID-19 | CDC
Follow the guidlines in the COVID FORM/PROCEDURES below

Infant/Toddler COVID Exposure Doc
Download File
Pre-School COVID Close Contact
Download FileFor children who test positive please follow CDC guidlines, alert LSH immediatly via Brightwheel and once your child test negative send reults to LSH at littlesunshinehousecdc@gmail.com